Frequently Asked Questions

Maybe you have a few questions. That’s okay; most people do. So here’s a quick collection of some of the questions people ask us… along with our answers. If you still have a question, don’t hesitate to contact us (or give us a call) and we’ll be happy to answer it for you.

Q: How do you determine the price to offer on my house?

A: Great question. We’re not agents, and we don’t list houses. We are professional home buyers: We buy houses Columbia that meet our purchasing criteria. From there we may repair the house and resell it to another homeowner or keep it as a rental ourselves.

Q: Do you pay fair prices for properties?

A: Many of the houses we purchase are below market value (we do this so we can resell it at a profit to another home owner). We are looking to get a fair discount on a property. However, in our experience, many sellers aren’t necessarily expecting a large “windfall” on the property but rather appreciate that we can offer cash, we close very quickly (no waiting for financing), and no time or effort or expense is required on your part of fix up the property or pay agent fees. If that’s what you’re looking for and you see the value in getting your house sold fast… let’s see if we can come to a fair win-win price. (Besides, our no-obligation pricing commitment means that you do not have to move forward with the offer we give… but it’s good to know what we’re offering!)

[DOWNLOAD our free guide that walks you through the Pros and Cons (plus the cost and timeline) of selling your house to a real estate investor… plus learn the pros, cons, and costs of the other two alternatives… listing with an agent or selling it yourself. Head on over here download your free guide →]

Q: How do you determine the price to offer on my house?

A: Great question, and we’re an open book: Our process is very straightforward. We look at the location of the property, what repairs are needed, the current condition of the property, and values of comparable houses sold in the area recently. As you know, house values have taken a huge hit in the last 5 years and most areas still haven’t seen prices come back up. We take many pieces of information into consideration… and come up with a fair price that works for us and works for you too.

Q: Are there any fees or commissions to work with you?

A: This is what makes us stand out from the traditional method of selling your house: There are NO fees or commissions when you sell your house us. We’ll make you an offer, and if it’s a fit then we’ll buy your house (and we’ll often pay for the closing costs too!). No hassle. No fees. We make our money after we pay for repairs on the house (if any) and sell it for a profit (we’re taking all of the risk here on whether we can sell it for a profit or not, once we buy the house from you… the responsibility is ours and you walk away without the burden of the property and it’s payments… and often with cash in your hand).

Q: How are you different from a real estate agent?

A: Real estate agents list properties and hope that someone will buy them. The agent shows the properties to prospective buyers if there are any (the average time to sell a property in many markets right now is 6-12 months) and then take a percentage of the sale price if they find a buyer. Oftentimes, the agent’s commission is 3-6% of the sale price of your house (so if it’s a $100,000 house, you’ll pay between $3,000 – $6,000 in commissions to an agent). Agents provide a great service for those that can wait 6-12 months to sell and who don’t mind giving up some of that sale price to pay for the commissions. But that’s where we’re different: We’re not agents, we’re home buyers. Our company actually buys houses. We don’t list houses. Since we’re actually the one buying the house from you, and we pay with all cash… we can make a decision to buy your house within a couple days (sometimes the same day). Again, we make our living by taking the risk to buy the house with our own cash, repair the house, and market it ourselves to find a buyer (which is the hard part in this market).

Q: Is there any obligation when I submit my info?

A: There is absolutely zero obligation for you. Once you tell us a bit about your property, we’ll take a look at things, maybe set up a call with you to find out a bit more, and make you an all-cash offer that’s fair for you and fair for us. From there, it’s 100% your decision on whether or not you’d like to sell your house to us… and we won’t hassle you, won’t harass you… it’s 100% your decision and we’ll let you decide what’s right for you.

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Should I Sell My House For Cash?

October 25, 20238 min read


When it comes to selling your house, you're faced with a multitude of decisions. One of the critical choices you'll need to make is whether to sell your house for cash or go the traditional route with a real estate agent. This decision can significantly impact your selling experience, timelines, and financial outcomes. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the pros and cons of selling your house for cash, helping you make an informed decision.

House For Cash

The Speed Factor
In the intricate landscape of real estate dealings, one element that consistently proves its worth is the speed factor, especially when it comes to cash property offers. This acceleration in transactional processes, afforded by cash deals, redefines efficiency, particularly when juxtaposed against the often laborious and protracted journey of traditional financing.

When buyers resort to conventional loans, sellers are frequently mired in a waiting game, besieged by the uncertainties of mortgage approvals, meticulous underwriting evaluations, and the myriad other administrative hoops that characterize the loan ecosystem. A typical property transaction, dependent on such financing, might stretch out over a span of 30 to 45 days or even more. Contrarily, the agility of cash property transactions stands out, with the capability to conclude deals in a brisk time frame, sometimes within just a week.

This rapidity offers a lifeline to sellers who are bound by time constraints, whether those arise from impending relocations, urgent financial obligations, or any other immediate life events. Beyond the sheer time saved, the speed factor dramatically reduces the stress and apprehension linked to potential loan rejections, ensuring that deals are not just faster, but also firmer.

Thus, in the grand tableau of real estate options, the swift pace offered by cash transactions shines brightly, offering sellers both the luxury of time and the assurance of a finalized deal, underscoring its pivotal role in modern property exchanges.

Selling for Cash
One of the most attractive aspects of selling your house for cash is the speed at which transactions can occur. Cash buyers are often real estate investors or individuals with readily available funds, enabling them to close deals swiftly. Traditional home sales can be time-consuming due to mortgage approvals, inspections, and negotiations. Cash offers, on the other hand, can lead to a closing within a matter of days or weeks.

Traditional Listing
When selling through traditional means, you must contend with a more extended selling process. First, your property must attract potential buyers, which can take weeks or even months. Once you secure an offer, there's still the arduous process of inspections, appraisals, and loan approvals, further delaying the closing date.

The Certainty of Cash
Amidst the complex intricacies of the real estate domain, the concept of cash transactions occupies a position of distinct prominence, largely attributable to the unparalleled certainty it offers. Unlike traditional financing routes, which are fraught with uncertainties arising from credit checks, lender evaluations, and the ever-present specter of last-minute loan denials, cash transactions stand as bastions of predictability and assurance. This certainty has profound implications for both buyers and sellers, ushering in a clarity that is often elusive in property dealings.

For sellers, the certainty of cash signifies a seamless transaction, devoid of the oscillations that can jeopardize deals contingent on financing. There's a palpable relief in knowing that once an agreement has been made, the likelihood of it culminating in a successful sale is exceedingly high. This assurance can often outweigh potential drawbacks, such as slightly lower offer prices, as the tangible benefits of a guaranteed sale in a definitive timeframe are recognized.

For buyers, wielding cash enhances their negotiating prowess. In the eyes of the seller, they emerge as more attractive prospects, given the immediate liquidity they bring to the table. This can often translate into preferential treatment, expedited processes, and even potential price concessions.

In an industry where unpredictability can be both a thrill and a threat, the certainty of cash offers an anchor. It mitigates risks, simplifies processes, and instills a confidence in stakeholders, underscoring its indispensable role in shaping the trajectory of modern real estate endeavors.

Selling for Cash
Cash offers bring a level of certainty to the selling process that can be appealing to homeowners. When a cash buyer makes an offer, you don't have to worry about the deal falling through to financing issues. This assurance can be invaluable, especially if you're in a situation where you need to sell your house quickly.

Traditional Listing
In contrast, traditional home sales often come with the risk of the deal collapsing. Mortgage approvals may fall through, leaving you back at square one and potentially wasting months of effort. This uncertainty can be stressful and emotionally taxing for sellers.

Repairs and Renovations
The significance of repairs and renovations cannot be understated. These interventions, ranging from minor fixes to major overhauls, serve as pivotal tools in not only preserving but also amplifying the intrinsic value of properties. At the heart of this lies the dual objective of functional restoration and aesthetic elevation, both of which contribute substantially to the perceived and actual worth of a property.

From a functional perspective, timely repairs ensure that a property remains habitable and safe. Addressing structural issues, fixing leaks, and mending wear and tear are essential to safeguard the longevity of the property, preventing minor issues from escalating into costly and potentially hazardous situations. A property that is well-maintained resonates with an assurance of quality, rendering it more appealing to prospective buyers or tenants.

Conversely, renovations delve deeper into the realm of aesthetic and functional enhancements. Whether it's a modernized kitchen, a revamped bathroom, or an added outdoor space, such improvements can radically transform the appeal of a property. They not only cater to evolving lifestyle needs but also position the property favorably within market trends, making it more competitive and desirable.

In essence, repairs and renovations serve as invaluable instruments in the hands of homeowners and real estate professionals. They represent a strategic investment, promising returns in the form of increased property value, quicker sales, and higher rental yields. As the real estate market continues to evolve, the indomitable role of repairs and renovations stands as a testament to their enduring relevance in value creation and enhancement.

Selling for Cash

Cash buyers are typically more willing to purchase houses as-is, sparing you from the expense and hassle of making repairs or renovations. If your property requires extensive work or you're looking to sell it quickly without investing in upgrades, a cash sale may be the ideal solution.

Traditional Listing

In a traditional sale, it's common for buyers to request repairs or renovations as part of the negotiation process. You may find yourself in a position where you need to invest additional time and money into your property before closing the deal.

Bypassing Agent Fees
Within the intricate web of real estate transactions, there exists a compelling narrative around the financial benefits of bypassing agent fees. Traditionally, real estate agents have served as intermediaries, facilitating the complex dance between buyers and sellers, and in return, they command a percentage of the sale price as their commission. However, as the real estate landscape undergoes transformative shifts, buoyed by technological advancements and an empowered, informed consumer base, the paradigm of self-navigated property transactions is gaining traction.

At the forefront of this movement is the unmistakable allure of financial savings. Agent commissions, which can range anywhere from 3% to 7% of the property's sale price, represent a substantial sum. For homeowners, especially in high-value markets, these savings can translate into tens, if not hundreds of thousands of dollars retained. This capital can then be redirected towards other ventures, be it reinvestment in property, home improvements, or diverse financial portfolios.

Beyond the sheer monetary aspect, bypassing agent fees also instills a sense of autonomy in sellers and buyers. It offers them the latitude to negotiate directly, tailor agreements more closely to their preferences, and control the pace and direction of the transaction. While this approach may demand a greater investment of time and effort, for many, the financial reprieve from hefty agent fees, coupled with the empowerment of direct negotiation, makes it an enticing proposition.

In summation, as the real estate sector continues to evolve, the trend of sidestepping agent fees underscores a broader movement towards financial prudence and transactional autonomy, heralding a new era of self-directed property dealings.

Selling for Cash
When you sell your house for cash, you can avoid the hefty agent commissions that are typically associated with traditional real estate transactions. This can translate to more money in your pocket at the end of the sale.

Traditional Listing
In a traditional listing, agent commissions can eat into your profits. Typically, the seller is responsible for paying the listing agent's commission as well as the buyer's agent's commission, which can add up to a significant amount.

Final Thoughts
Deciding whether to sell your house for cash or go the traditional route is a crucial decision that depends on your unique circumstances and priorities. Cash offers provide speed, certainty, and the ability to skip repairs, making them a great option for some sellers. On the other hand, traditional listings offer a more extended marketing period and may fetch a higher sale price in a seller's market. Weighing these factors carefully and consulting with real estate professionals can help you determine the best approach to selling your home.

Sell House For CashReal Estate
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